Wednesday, April 13, 2011

X-Men First Class 2 Movie - X-Men First Class Sequel

X-Men First Class 2 - Movie Sequel to X-Men First ClassThe movie X-Men First Class hasn't been released in theaters yet but I'm pretty sure the studios are already considering a sequel. Would make sense since the first film is obviously going to be a hell of a blockbuster. Giving to the sequel, Director Matthew Vaughn talked to Total Film about what direction the movie X-Men First Class 2 could take:

"First Class is similar to Batman Begins, where you have the fun of introducing the characters and getting to know them, but that takes time. But with the second one you can just get on with it and have a rollicking good time. That’s the main difference between Begins and The Dark Knight.
1962 is far more grounded in the world of the 1950s. I think it takes about five years for a decade to really start getting its identity, so the fun thing about this for me would be doing a sequel in the latter part of the decade, where you’ve got The Stones, The Beatles, Flower Power..."
Director Matthew Vaughn

Producer Bryan Singer confirms:

"That's an idea that's been discussed. How the characters go through time. But only to a point – they can't age too fast!"
Producer Bryan Singer

And here's what Actor James McAvoy thinks could happen in X-men First Class 2:

"In First Class Xavier uses Cerebro for the first time and maybe it unlocks something in his head – maybe he can't keep the voices out or something. So in the second movie his journey could be about getting himself out of a mess. And then in the third movie he becomes… Patrick Stewart!"
Actor James McAvoy

What do you think about a possible sequel? Any suggestion regarding the script of X-Men First Class 2? leave your thoughts below.

Anyway, more information about the movie X-Men First Class 2 as soon as details emerge.